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Messages - Furyhunter

News / Re: Square Enix Account Conversion
August 05, 2011, 11:32:42 PM
If you have an inactive POL account/FFXI content IDs and you want to transfer without registering a Click n Buy account, just select the Crysta payment option and you won't have to deal with it.

Just did so, to remain up-to-date with my stuff and keep it from being lost.
I'm Furyhunter Bloodhoof on Cornelia, Gridania, just a heads up.
General Posts / Re: I came back.
September 06, 2010, 06:46:56 AM
Well, maybe I'll try playing some XIV beta on the world of choice, but even with 2GB of memory it doesn't run playably...

Plus, I really feel like I'm missing something great by not going through XI.
General Posts / Re: I came back.
September 06, 2010, 05:55:12 AM
How active is the LS right now? I'm currently patching and it'll be a while before it's done.
General Posts / I came back.
September 05, 2010, 11:58:27 PM
Hey LuckyLS,

It's been a couple months since I last played FFXI (probably over the 3 month limit for character expiration) since I started playing a lot of WoW.

EDIT: I started my subscription up again. I want to get BSM to solo content, and right now I'm a WAR (waiting to patch). I'll be needing some leveling help to get to 30 and do the quest.

Well, right now the guild I'm establishing has pretty much unanimously decided to wait until Cataclysm comes out to start doing anything. As a result, I have nothing to do other than play Wii games (my 360 was taken by my brother for college) and StarCraft II, and I'd like at least some kind of MMO to fill the void.

I played a little of the XIV beta, but the game is far too system intensive for me to be able to enjoy it (and believe me, I enjoy it even with the lag), and I don't really have the money to spend on upgrading and then buying the game itself. So I figured, I haven't experienced much of XI, why not start that back up?

I want you guys to give me some convincing arguments to push the last inch to restarting my subscription. This school year I'm under a very tight schedule, which prevents me from doing very many scheduled things during the weekdays (I have something to do after school every day of the week, especially Friday), so being bound by my crazy schedule, what ways can I make some FFXI time enjoyable?

My experience is that I need to spend at least an hour during a gaming session to get any progress. I'm three missions in to Windurst and have everything except Visions of Abyssea content on my ID.
Application / Re: Furyhunter, the floor-mopping newbie
January 07, 2010, 03:10:48 AM
Quote from: Areya on January 06, 2010, 05:01:10 AM
Considering the PC collection of all the expansions and addons only runs like $20, I doubt it'd be too bad for them to get the game after the free trial.
Yeah, that's how much I got the 360 version for - although I also have the PC client if I ever need to use that instead. Getting them hooked is the problem :P

Yes, I like Disgaea. I'll be purchasing Disgaea 2 PSP when I can afford it - I've already cleared the first. It's unfortunate I don't have a PS3 for 3 :(
Application / Re: Furyhunter, the floor-mopping newbie
January 05, 2010, 10:51:59 PM
Quote from: Ariamo on January 05, 2010, 10:35:05 PM
He's using Ash for his avatar!
That I am. I love Nippon Ichi SRPGs :P

Probably 3, two IRL friends and a feller who has yet to make a character on the server (has had previous FFXI experience). I can only guarantee one of them really staying, the two IRL friends are playing on trials and it could be a few months before they manage to get the full game, if at all.

By the way, I found the linkshell via the LS Community.
Application / Furyhunter, the floor-mopping newbie
January 05, 2010, 06:51:26 AM
Hello, Lucky LS.

I'm applying to Lucky because you all seem very social, helpful and inviting overall, and I am fairly new to the game as a whole. I've only just started playing a few days ago after playing the trial.

My experience with the game has led me to believe that I need the help of others to gain ground and play the story out. So, I wish to join Lucky in hopes that you will be the ones to help me and, eventually, I will be able to help in exchange (either with other newcomers or in end-game content).

Currently I play World of Warcraft at the end-game level casually, so I have experience with common MMORPG antics such as class roles, terminology and encounter mechanics.

I'd also like to bring some friends with me to the linkshell, in the event that I am accepted, so I can show them the social part of the game and hopefully get them hooked. One has as much experience in MMORPGs as I.

Thank you, and I hope to see you online!

Furyhunter [Phoenix] 8 WAR