Lucky Linkshell - Phoenix

Final Fantasy XI => General Posts => Topic started by: Rachi on October 22, 2008, 07:11:20 AM

Question: What's the Most Useful Endgame Job?
Option 1: Warrior
Option 2: Monk
Option 3: White Mage
Option 4: Black Mage
Option 5: Red Mage
Option 6: Thief
Option 7: Paladin
Option 8: Dark Knight
Option 9: Beastmaster
Option 10: Bard
Option 11: Ranger
Option 12: Samurai
Option 13: Ninja
Option 14: Dragoon
Option 15: Summoner
Option 16: Blue Mage
Option 17: Corsair
Option 18: Puppetmaster
Option 19: Dancer
Option 20: Scholar
Title: Most Useful Endgame Job?
Post by: Rachi on October 22, 2008, 07:11:20 AM
I'm curious to know what the LS members think the most useful endgame job is.  ???  Not just for parties, or HNM's, or Assaults, or Sky, or Sea, et cetera. I'm looking for the most useful endgame job period. Reason being, I'm currently leveling Dark Knight, but until i get NIN to 37 as a sub, and get me a Kraken Club and a Ridill (haha, we'll see about that :P) I probably won't be very useful end-game. So I'd like to level something more 'useful' next, and I'd like to see what the LS says.
Title: Re: Most Useful Endgame Job?
Post by: naobi on October 22, 2008, 11:44:04 AM
well there are several useful endgame jobs that most LSs will always need.  finding good players who are those jobs is a different story though lol.  PLD, RDM, SCH, BLM, BRD are the most recruited that I've experienced in many endgame activities. 
Title: Re: Most Useful Endgame Job?
Post by: Zerila on October 22, 2008, 03:40:40 PM
Now, who voted Beastmaster I wonder?  :o
;) :D
Title: Re: Most Useful Endgame Job?
Post by: Nerces on October 22, 2008, 05:11:18 PM
In my opinion, either RDM or BLM. RDM is simply the most versatile job in the entire game. And, in general, if you want something to die faster just throw more BLMs at it.
Title: Re: Most Useful Endgame Job?
Post by: Areya on October 23, 2008, 11:17:47 PM
The short answer is:  There is no short answer.

Yes, there are certain jobs that show up more than others, however.

Paladins are the usual tank for HNM stuff.  Black Mages are often used for damage and crowd control for things like Einherjar.  Powerful enfeebles, Refresh, and other qualities make Red Mages good choices.  Death is inevitable, so White Mages are always in demand.  Everyone loves a good Bard for boosts.

The fact of the matter is though, that every job has a place.  Yes, even a "crappy" job like Puppetmaster can shine in the right situation.  (Salvage, anyone?)

While it's true that most Dark Knights are just Soulkraken fodder for HNMLS, doesn't mean that they don't have other uses.  In situations like Limbus or Einherjar, where you face many weak targets instead of just a single large target, the raw power of a DRK can be very useful.  A well timed Stun can also save the entire group.  The key is to find a job you like to play, and adapt your strengths.