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Messages - Zerila

General Posts / Re: Warning to BSTs!
April 26, 2009, 06:35:40 PM
You tell him, Eva! ^^
General Posts / Re: Warning to BSTs!
April 23, 2009, 06:52:30 PM
One thing that people have been talking about, and I think may very well be correct, is that SE was playing around with elemental resistances when they were working on the Enspell II's elemental reduction. Also, I believe there was an elemental resistance component to the WHM adjustments.

What is possible is that they adjusted them incorrectly, resulting in the current "enfeebling nerf" that everyone is talking about. Since charm is light-based, it seems likely that these critters just got their light-based resistance raised too high to land charm. So, it wasn't that charm itself was broken, it was that the monsters were resisting the actual element of the job ability.

Just a theory, but it would explain why something that they didn't even intend to touch got so badly broken for a little while.

It was in "Current known issues" that elemental resistances were off. Hopefully they are correcting that in today's emergency maintenance.

Edit: Not only did they fix it, they apologized! :)
Ryu... :'(
General Posts / Re: Post of EEEEEVIIIIL!!!!
April 22, 2009, 06:09:07 PM
I'm pretty sure I could be hit by a truck and STILL look better than a bridge troll... but then, so would most people :P

I post a lot because I can actually see this forum from work, which is nice, and I have the occasional five minutes here or there to post something silly/random/weird/stupid. So I do it  :D

That, and I dislike it when days go by with no posts, so I'll occasionally just post something random so that there is something new...

*checks post count again* Oh, thank goodness that's over!  8)
General Posts / Post of EEEEEVIIIIL!!!!
April 21, 2009, 07:26:34 PM
*looks at post count*

Run away! Don't look! 'Tis EVIL!

*Prepares the holy water and exorcism rituals*

'ware the split pea soup!  :-X

Announcements / Re: Assault Static News
April 21, 2009, 07:24:03 PM
Actually, now that I think of it... maybe we could ask for our very own section of this board, so we could post stuff and track stuff specific to our party. Like, who still needs what, suggestions for events, who is going to be out/late on a certain date, that kind of thing. Like, when I was sick last week, I could have just posted here instead of logging into the game to tell Aria. Or if someone wants to fight a certain NM.

Any chance we could get something like that set up?
Announcements / Re: Assault Static News
April 21, 2009, 06:54:54 PM
I don't want anyone to misunderstand my post (I wrote it when I was in a bit of a hurry... ). And I don't expect you to fix anything, especially on such short notice! I was just intending to raise my concerns. There's plenty of time to see how things work with our new objectives, and then adjust if needed. Sorry about that, didn't mean to come off as a big downer  :-[

I love doing stuff with you guys! Doing Nyzul (as an example) sometimes drags on me a little, but the company makes it more than worth it, so that's really a very minor complaint. Besides, I have a feeling if we quit Nyzul, I'd end up missing it after a couple weeks. It was more a complaint about that being ALL we do, assaults and Nyzul. Like I said, I'm really glad to add more activities to the mix, it will make things much more exciting!  ;D

But I am mostly concerned about how much time this will all take, adding all this other stuff in... we've adjusted the times in the past before, I know. Mostly because of my whining, I think. I didn't say anything when you brought this up, because I wanted to think about it before I posted anything.

If it does get to be too late, too often (and I can make the occasional exception, honestly, depending on what we're doing... just not twice a week every week...) I will let you know. Actually, what I may do is just say, "in a half hour or so, I'm going to want to start wrapping things up" kind of thing.

Going back to Nyzul, even though it's not really about the drops for me, when we were going 0/20 or whatever that ridiculous drop rate that was, it was really annoying. Since we've been getting a much better rate recently, I've been much happier with Nyzul.

I will go along with the rest of you on whatever you want to do, including KS/BSNMs, missions (including city missions, whatever) because I enjoy the company. If it gets to be too late, I'll mention it.

And yes, I love the forums :)
I wish we all used them more often ;)
General Posts / Re: Warning to BSTs!
April 21, 2009, 05:19:12 PM
That would have been awesome!  :o
Announcements / Re: Assault Static News
April 21, 2009, 01:10:14 AM
I'm ready to go for ACP. I also completed Perils of the Griffon, though I didn't head to Garliage afterward.
The only thing I'm concerned with is how late this will run us, doing all of this in addition to Assaults. If it gets to be too late, I might have to give up on one or the other (don't WANT to, but I need my sleep. Also, I get yelled at for coming to bed too late...  :'()

I know we have a long way to go in Nyzul, still. But maybe we could convert Thursdays to half-farming, half Nyzul (Farming for those of us doing Salvage, say 2 farming, 3 Nyzul) and then do the rest on Tuesdays? Though, Aria has Limbus on Tuesdays til fairly late...

Maybe we could skip our farming run on Tuesday for a bit, just do 2 farming/3 Nyzul on Thursdays, until we get all the stuff we need out of KSNMs, and then do missions on Tuesdays.

Once we get done with all the missions, we can go back to our regularly scheduled Assault stuff. Though, I will be brutally honest, it's starting to wear on me  :-\

Switching things up is very welcome, and has been a long time coming.
Announcements / Re: Apocalypse Nigh Run
April 20, 2009, 07:33:29 PM
Same ^^;
General Posts / Re: Urgent notice regarding tokens!
April 17, 2009, 11:41:31 PM
Ok, what it looks like is that you can create an SE account, link it to your PoL account, WITHOUT activating a token, and get in just fine. If you can link your SE and PoL account, without setting up the token, then I *think* you will be fine.

Once you link the SE and PoL accounts, make sure you can sign in. Then, and only then, register and activate the token (you will probably need to log out of PoL while you do that).

Then everything will work fine, from what I can tell.

Keep in mind, I still don't have my token (darnit!) but it looks very likely to me that this will work.

Good luck, and keep the customer support number handy when you do this!
General Posts / Urgent notice regarding tokens!
April 17, 2009, 05:07:29 PM
I've just heard via the grapevine (various FFXI forums) that some older PoL accounts are having issues with the security token. This is mostly NA release accounts, which for some reason are listed as "trial" accounts, and won't allow you to connect a Square-Enix account to it. Since I migrated my beta account, I'm betting this will affect me, too :(

A good summary can be found here

Be very careful when setting up your token!
I believe there is a way to test this without risking your account. For now, I would hold off attempting to link it if you are concerned. I will experiment with Noogies' account when I get it (hopefully today or tomorrow). If I can figure out a way to test the link without making it impossible to log in, I will detail it here.

I know the lure of the mog satchel is making people impatient, but getting locked out of your account is no fun either, nor is accidentally disabling your token, and thus wasting the $10.

I'll keep you posted, guys!
News / Re: It's March~
April 17, 2009, 04:51:23 PM
/wave Eva!
Always room for one more!  ;)
General Posts / Re: Areya Brand Maze
April 14, 2009, 03:12:26 PM
Definitely want to give this a shot :)
General Posts / Re: Account Recovered already!
April 14, 2009, 03:11:17 PM
Great news!
General Posts / Re: Warning to BSTs!
April 09, 2009, 09:27:26 PM
Nevermind... Fixed in emergency update today.
General Posts / Re: Keisu's back... kinda
April 09, 2009, 08:26:50 PM
It was early in the morning! I've quit drinking caffeine! I...

...ok, I have no valid exuse  :-\ :'(

General Posts / Re: Keisu's back... kinda
April 09, 2009, 02:32:59 PM
Dammit, that makes me angry...  >:(
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry, Keisu  (<--Edited that!)

Got your name wrong?! What the heck?!
I dunno, I know I've done that before, with Ketsu and Keisu. It's like there's a little short circuit in my brain that occasionally flips on and makes me say the wrong name  :o

Sorry about that!

General Posts / Warning to BSTs!
April 09, 2009, 05:32:07 AM
They will probably have this fixed soon, but currently, charm is broken on cactaurs and slimes (at least, there may be more).

Rabbits, lizards, raptors were all confirmed to have worked. But it might be a good idea to hold of any major BST leveling for a while... (dangit :( )
General Posts / Re: Keisu's back... kinda
April 09, 2009, 12:23:26 AM
It will be good to see you back!

Gilgamesh, huh? ; ;
When I told you earlier that nothing had been bought/sold, FFXIAH must not have updated. Well, at least you caught it before he sold anything. And, if he bought stuff, he was probably intending to use your character (ick...  :-X), so he wouldn't have gotten rid of any good gear... I hope... :(

How did you find out he was from Arizona? Did SE tell you that? Any chance they'll give you more info, like... I dunno, a home address?  >:(
General Posts / Salvage/Nyzul/Einherjar interview
April 08, 2009, 03:05:51 PM
Even though a lot of the answers are "No comment" and "No plans to chang that", I still found this interview interesting:


The thought of expanding Nyzul is both interesting and exasperating. I'd like to be done with that eventually;)