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Software's up to date now and with Nulani's help added https support. Also Sorry to Areya i broke your avatar and lost the link :( you can just re add it and the server will download it instead of remotely linking it.

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Well, PS2 and Xbox has officially been discontinued. So FFXI is PC only now.

Recently, the game released ways to reforge legendary weapons, that is, Relic, Mythic, Empyrean, and Ergon, to new versions with improved stats and Afterglow. It's pretty staggering to see the stats on some of these so-called Ultimate Weapons... along with Aeonics, which need no reforging but require the defeat of some of the most obscenely powerful opponents in the game.

The next update adds a battle content called Ambuscade where the opponents change every update, a second Wardrobe, and the Mount system (can ride things other than chocobos).

Don't be a stranger, drop in and say hi sometimes!

There was a reminder of this on the POL site and thought I'd mirror it here:

As previously announced on Thursday, March 19, 2015, PlayStation®2 and Xbox 360® service for FINAL FANTASY XI will end on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at 6:00 a.m. (PST).

As such, PlayStation®2 and Xbox 360® service will not be available after March 31, 2016, at 6:00 a.m. (PST) but your service contract will remain in effect.

So all of you that might be playing again but don't play on PC, you'll need to remedy that!

The final chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel has been released. This is the final major update slated for FFXI, and ends the cross-expansion mission line.

Return Home to Vana'diel and the Discount Campaign are active again, if you wanted to stop in and see what all has changed.

In addition to the release of the Reisenjima zone, powerful new weapons called Aeonic Weapons have been introduced that allow you to do supreme skillchains.

This is probably one of the last posts that the website will have, so I wanted to say thank you to all the Lucky members, both current and from the past, for making it a great group. While many of you have moved on to bigger and better things, I know several of you still stop by sometimes. The game may change, but the memories remain.

The Sunbreeze Festival has descended upon us again. This year there's new outfits including a frilly pink dress for the ladies, as well as Mumor II Trust.

The second part of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel has been released, along with Escha - Ru'Aun. More incredible opponents await!

Among recent upgrades to the game is the ability to see the status bar of a party member, so you can tell what buffs and debuffs are active on them!

Finally, the Return Home to Vana'diel and Discount Campaigns are active again.

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