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The LS site was down for a couple of weeks, Nulani, who was gracious enough to host the site for free, had an IP change and the domain name pointer needed to be adjusted. Hopefully things are squared away now.


It's Final Fantasy XI's 13th Anniversary! As usual, there's all sorts of fun activities that go along with it!

The first chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel has been released along with the May Version Update. The Key Items related to it can significantly change the way you play the game, granting all sorts of bonuses and reductions in waits for timers. A ton of new Job Gifts have been added. Also, Mog Houses now have second floors!

Also in celebration of Rhapsodies, SE is rolling out a special event called Goddess's Gala, which is really just a combination of two previous events.

- Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign
From Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. (PDT) to Monday, May 25 at the same hour.

If you've ever played the game before, you can play again free!

- Discount Campaign
From Friday, May 1, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. (PDT) to Monday, June 1 at the same hour.

And if you want to come back to stay, you can buy the game and all the expansions cheap!

Two special periods to celebrate the upcoming release of the first part of the Vana'diel Rhapsodies.

April 27 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to May 11 1:00 a.m. (PDT)

  • Double Capacity & Experience Point Campaign
  • Abyssea Campaign
  • Assault - Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey Mysterious Item Campaign
  • Campaign Festa

May 11 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to May 30 7:59 a.m. (PDT)

  • Double Capacity & Experience Point Campaign
  • Abyssea Campaign
  • Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign
  • Double Unity Accolade Campaign

(More Details Here)

Okay, first a few words about the future of Vana'diel: There are three addons slated to be released this year for FFXI. After that, however, there are no plans for future expansions. Also important to some folks, Playstation and XBox service will be phased out April of 2016. So if you play FFXI and are on one of those systems you'll need to snag the PC version.

The March update gave us Vagary, tricky alliance content against the dark forces deep inside the Serpentine Labyrinth. Also, empyrean armor can now be reforged, and GEO and RUN have empyrean equivalent sets.

Lockstyle can now make your armor and weapons appear as any item you possess and have a job capable of equipping. No excuses for looking plain now! You can even mix armor sets not normally possible. In addition, these appearances persist on zone and logging out, and if you swap weapons your armor no longer reverts.

Summoners got some new blood pacts, there's also new Wanteds to hunt.

Game's not dead yet!

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