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Started by Evanesce, July 22, 2008, 11:07:51 PM

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I dunno if any of you have heard this, but it's really good:

Tour de Japon- Ronfaure

It brought me back to my early days leveling as an inexperienced White Mage of San d'Oria. Good times!
Welcome to the Glompificate Nation of Luck-Related, Cookiefied Rainbowisms! ~LuckyLS~*Phoenix*~Evanesce~


Yeah, Ronfaure is nice and all, but You're Not Alone is so much better!
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


I really wish that SE would do all of their soundtracks this way... a full orchestra would really enhance the experience!
As it is, I think I want to see if I can find this in mp3 format, so I can replace the original music with it :)
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Full orchestrial music like the FFXII and DQ8 music would be cool for FFXI.


Y'know, I actually burned a CD of the whole concert. Used a .flv to .mp3 converter, cropped the applause and preparation, and arranged the songs into concert order. You might try doing the same thing, Zeri (www.flv2mp3.com). I didn't experience too much loss of quality with most of the tracks.

As a side note, my favorite tracks from Tour de Japon are At Zanarkand and Theme of Love.
Welcome to the Glompificate Nation of Luck-Related, Cookiefied Rainbowisms! ~LuckyLS~*Phoenix*~Evanesce~


I love orchestrated things great song and soundtrack